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Online Meetup

Service Description

Balance & Harmony 3 "Vindecare Prin Cuvânt" este o metodă care, deseori, produce rezultate si beneficii minunate atât de natură fizică, cât si emoțională si spirituală. Eliberarea energiilor stagnante duce, adesea, la dispariția bruscă a dezechilibrelor fizice si psihice. The emotion and body code helps to identify the emotionally-charged events from your past that are trapped in our body like a computer virus and are hunting you in the form of trapped emotions; emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. Much of our suffering is due to negative emotional energies that have become ‘trapped’ within us. The Emotion Code is a simple and powerful method of finding and releasing these trapped energies. When trapped emotions are never released, you may feel that pain and heightened response for the rest of your life. It’s so unnecessary, because your trapped emotions can easily be gotten rid of. Trapped emotional energy will always lodge somewhere in the physical body, and the body tissues that lie within that sphere will tend to fall into resonance with the vibrational energy of the trapped emotion. In other words, those tissues will be experiencing that emotional vibration on a continual basis. Your entire body is intelligent, not just your brain. Your organs are separate intelligence within your body that perform certain functions and produce specific emotions or feelings. Muscle testing can tell us about the overall health and balance of our bodies. – Dr. Bradley Nelson

Contact Details


Bucharest, Romania

© 2024 by Balance & Harmony 3


The information provided on this website is for the purposes of information only and is not given as professional medical advice. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a health question, I recommend you contact your healthcare provider. The services provided by me are not intended to cure, treat or diagnose any medical conditions.

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