Service Description
EFT is a simple yet revolutionary procedure that involves tapping on acupuncture points in order to relieve unwanted emotions and physical symptoms. It has been used successfully by people all over the world to help with issues such as pain, anxiety, weight loss, phobias, trauma, allergies, illness and depression, but it can also be used to enhance performance and increase personal success. It can be used by individuals for their own self-care, by parents, teachers, body workers, therapists, coaches, MDs, acupuncturists, chiropractors, spiritual practitioners, etc.
Contact Details
Bucharest, Romania
© 2024 by Balance & Harmony 3
The information provided on this website is for the purposes of information only and is not given as professional medical advice. If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a health question, I recommend you contact your healthcare provider. The services provided by me are not intended to cure, treat or diagnose any medical conditions.